Callophrys affinis apama (Western Green hairstreak)

Adult0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 6/17/17

Adult0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 6/17/17

2nd instar larva0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 7517

Adult0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 6/17/17

Adult0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 6/17/17

Adult0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 6/17/17

Adult0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 6/17/17

Adult0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 6/17/17

3rd instar larva0 views6 miles west of Junction, along Hwy 153, Paiute county, Utah 71517

4th instar larva0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 71517

Host0 viewsSingletree Campground, Hwy 12, South of Grover, Wayne county, Utah 6/17/17